
Fabulous is an understatement

About Me

Ok, so I finally felt compelled to redo this About Me thing. So, here it goes. In case you hadn’t already figured it out, my name is Justin, and I’m just about the coolest person you’ll ever meet. Hands down. I’m 18 years old, and I’m presently taking classes online courtesy of the wonderful California School System. This coming semester I’ll be transferring to Cal State San Bernardino, or Cal State Northridge, I’m not all that sure which one yet. I’ll be sure to keep you posted. Now, you may be asking yourselves, “But Justin, oh great and fabulous one, whatever will you be majoring in?” Worry not loyal fans, I am here to answer your questions. What will I be majoring in? Hell if I know. See, I really do love fashion, and would love nothing more than to do something fashion oriented for the rest of my life. But in case you didn’t know, it’s kinda a competitive industry. So there’s always that fallback of Law in some way shape or form. Possibly Entertainment Law, as Allison pointed out for me, ‘cause that way I could work for Disney, and that would be mucho bueno too. But on the subject of Allison, if you care enough about me to be reading this, then I suppose it’s fair to say that Allison is just about the greatest Red Head you’ll ever meet . She’s also my hag, but whatever. We’re kind of notorious for lurking around Starbucks while she smokes and I drink my fruity little drinks; they’re often pink. Who else do I have in my life? Funny you should ask. I also my Niki, who I’ve known since the seventh grade when she would chase me around for sport. Good times. But now she decided to go off and enlist and now she’s all working and stuff and… ugh, whatever. Just means she doesn’t get to see me as much. Her loss :D There’s also this wonderful blonde [With an amazing rack I might add] named Caitlin. We’re pretty much a tornado when we’re together. I buy her balloons, she buys me churros. It all evens out. Then there’s Katie. She’s the sane one… most of the time. Well, she’s the sane-er one. Me and her are a lot alike see. We have the potential to do a lot, but we’re more often than not too damn lazy do actually do it. Whatever though, somebody will do it, that’s for sure. What else about me? I live in Southern California as you may have guessed, and as such, I can frequently be found at Disneyland. Me and Allison are old pro’s. One day we’ll rule Disneyland. It won’t be much of a fair trade. She’ll more just tell me what to do. You’ll get that reference if you were in Yearbook with us. Ah, that’s right. I’m a Yearbook geek, through and through. You’ll get used to my neurotic nature eventually. What else is there to say about me? Umm, I’m pretty much a dork. I like video games, and anime brings a smile to my face. It’s ok, I’ve come to terms with my geek-dom. I’ll probably add more to this as I think of it, but I just felt it needed to be done. Anywho, love love love! Le Justin
Name Justin August Ramirez
Gender Male
Age 18
Location Anaheim, CA
Ethnicity White / Caucasian
Interested in Men
Status Single

Contact Me

IM HimeNoShinsei, ElvenBattosai@hotmail.com, ElvenBattosai@gmail.com
Website myspace.com/TehJusty, wingsofjade.com


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Registered Jan 28, 2006
Last update Jul 24, 2007


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